

Congressman (R)






Tracey Mann has represented Kansas’s 1st Congressional District since 2021. Prior to serving in Congress, Mann served as Kansas Governor Jeff Colyer’s Lieutenant Governor from 2018 to 2019. The 1st District contains the western half of the state as well as most of the city of Lawrence.


Mann is up for re-election in 2026.

Separation of Church and State
  • Mann is a Pietist Lutheran.

  • Mann introduced FAITH in Small Business Act, H.R. 6998, which ensures faith-based businesses are treated equally regardless of religious status, and also are allowed to participate in Small Business Administration (SBA) loans and programs.

  • Mann introduced H.Con.Res. 79, which would authorize the use of the U.S. Capitol rotunda for the National Prayer Breakfast. He was also a co-chair for the 2024 National Prayer Breakfast, stating in his opening remarks at the event that “ We gather in historic Statuary Hall this morning in the spirit of Jesus to pray for the president, for one another and for the country.”

  • Mann is heavily connected to Sean Feucht, a Christian nationalist worship leader and activist. In 2023, Mann worked with Feucht to bring his “Kingdom to the Capitol” tour to Topeka, which was in response to Feucht’s self-proclaimed “spiritual war” in America. Feucht, a right-wing activist, previously ran for congress, hosted anti-public health worship concerts during the COVID-19 pandemic, and has been publicly supportive of extremist politicians such as Donald Trump, Kari Lake, and Doug Mastriano.

  • Mann, in a 2024 Youtube interview with Sean Feucht, discussed his views on religion and politics. In this interview, he spoke at length about “reclaiming” America spiritually, that he is on the “frontlines of the battle we’re all in,” that “we are in a war,” and that God has ordained America. Additionally, Mann stated that “our rights are innate to us because they come from God” and that “It’s dangerous and concerning to me when I see members of Congress that don’t agree or believe in that because that is completely antithetical to what the Lord wants.”

  • In Mann’s statement on the leak of the Roe v. Wade ruling, he said “May the Lord God protect our Supreme Court Justices, grant them safety in the midst of the efforts to intimidate them, and grant them wisdom as they face the most important decision that any of them have ever made."

  • Mann: “[W]e know that the right to life is a right from God, not from the government.”

  • Mann: “As a father, a Christian, and an American, I vow to advocate tirelessly for life.”
LGBTQ+ Equality


  • Mann believes that “marriage is between one man and one woman.”

  • Mann opposed the Respect for Marriage Act, H.R. 8404, which was signed by President Biden into law, repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and enshrining the right to same-sex and interracial marriages in federal law.
  • Mann opposed the Equality Act, H.R. 5, which guarantees full federal civil rights protections to the LGBTQ community.  

  • Mann co-sponsored H.R. 8731, the Protect Children’s Innocence Act, which bans gender-affirming care for transgender youth.





  • Mann supports school choice and vouchers.

  • Mann supported the Parents Bill of Rights, H.R. 5, which would, among many provisions, require schools to publicly publish their curriculum, mandate that parents are allowed to meet with teachers, require parents to receive a list of books and reading materials at the school library, and allow parental input when making policies and procedures for student privacy. 

  • Mann voted to abolish the U.S. Department of Education. The failed amendment was offered on H.R. 5, the Parents Bill of Rights, by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.). 

  • Mann opposes President Biden’s student loan debt cancellation.


Reproductive Rights
  • Mann believes that life starts as conception.

  • Mann states on his website that “I will be unwavering in supporting pro-life legislation and will oppose taxpayer funding of abortions.”

  • Mann is supportive of pregnancy crisis centers.

  • Mann co-sponsored H.R. 26, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which requires doctors to give care to a fetus that has been unsuccessfully aborted.

  • Mann introduced legislation, H.R. 3741, which would prohibit taxpayer dollars being used to fund a counseling or referral system for abortion.

  • Mann co-sponsored HCR 3, which condemned attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches and called on President Biden to utilize law enforcement to protect their safety.

  • Mann supported the August 2nd Value Them Both Amendment.

  • Mann was supportive of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.

  • Mann opposed the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, H.R. 3755, would enshrine abortion protections into federal law and overturn many state restrictions.


Health Care


  • Mann opposed letting Medicare negotiate drug prices and extending Affordable Care Act subsidies.

  • Mann voted against the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, which among many provisions:
      • Capped the out-of-pocket cost of insulin at $35 per month for those enrolled in Medicare.
      • Instituted a yearly cap on seniors’ drug costs.
      • Eliminating costs on Medicare and Medicaid for many common vaccines.
      • Continued increased subsidies for the ACA.

  • Mann introduced the SHARE Act, H.R. 9306, which expedites the licensing process for health care providers and increases the number of healthcare providers able to serve across state lines.

  • Mann opposed the Biden Administration’s OSHA vaccine mandate and introduced the Stop Vaccine Mandates Act, which would prohibit OSHA from mandating that employers require vaccines.

  • Mann supports repealing the Affordable Care Act.


Economic Security


  • Mann supported a version of the 2024 Farm Bill in the House Agriculture Committee that would make the largest reduction in SNAP benefits in nearly three decades.

  • Mann stated in a 2023 town hall regarding SNAP that “some folks are receiving benefits that shouldn’t be.”

  • Mann states on his website that he wants to “save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare.”

  • During a 2023 town hall, Mann promised to not cut Social Security and Medicare, but stated that he was open to privatization in the future.

  • Mann opposed expanded unemployment benefits during COVID and urged Kansas Governor Laura Kelly to end Kansas’s participation in these expanded federal benefits.




  • Mann states on his website that he wants to “end the humanitarian crisis at the southern border, secure the border, stop illegal immigration.”

  • Mann voted to impeach U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

  • Mann voted for the Secure the Border Act of 2023, H.R. 2, which would have resumed the building of the border wall, increased border patrol agents, restricted the right to seek asylum, established new criminal penalties, and many other measures.

  • Mann supports building a wall on the southern border.


Legislative Tracker

  • Kansas Farm Bureau PAC in 2024, 2022, and 2020.


  • Kansans for Life in 2022 and 2020.


  • National Rifle Association in 2022 and 2020.


  • National Right to Life Committee in 2022.


  • Donald Trump in 2020.


  • Kansas Family Voice in 2020.


  • Kansas Livestock Association in 2020.


  • Americans for Prosperity Action in 2020.


  • Jeff Colyer in 2020


  • Bob Dole in 2020.


  • Kansas Bankers Association in 2020.

Aggregate Totals (2020-2022)


Amount Raised (R)

Amount Spent (R)

Amount Raised (D)

Amount Spent (D)











(Source: FEC Data

Top Corporate/PAC Contributors (2023-2024 Q1)




National Turkey Federation PAC



Plains Cotton Growers Inc. PAC



National Cotton Council Committee For Advancement Of Cotton



National Sorghum Producers Political Action Committee



Texas Farm Bureau Agfund



Lockton Inc. PAC



California Rice Industry Association Fund



Farmers’ Rice Cooperative Fund



National Cattlemen’S Beef Association Political Action Committee (Ncba-PAC)



American Crystal Sugar Company PAC



Syngenta Corporation Employee Political Action Committee (Syngenta PAC)



Poet PAC



Growth Energy PAC



American Association Of Crop Insurers PAC



International Dairy Foods Association PAC



Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation



American Soybean Association PAC (SoyPAC)



Koch Industries, Inc. PAC



Archer Daniels Midland Company-Adm PAC



Mann’s leadership PAC, Great Plains PAC, has given to the following campaigns in the 2024 cycle (as of June 10, 2024): 




Scott Parkinson (R-VA)



Derrick Van Orden (R-WI)



Lori Chavez-Deremer (R-OR)



John Duarte (R-CA)



Marc Molinaro (R-NY)



Zach Nunn (R-IA)



Source: (Open Secrets)


Donors to this PAC for the 2024 cycle can be found HERE.


Mann’s PAC has also given a number of contributions to state candidates, some of which include:

  • Derek Schmidt $2000 ’22
  • Steven Johnson $2000 ’22 
  • JR Claeys $1000 ’20
  • Barb Wasinger $500 ’22 
“Socialism is on the rise. Efforts to impose government-run health care, increase taxes, restrict religious freedom and erode the Second Amendment are part of the same agenda. America needs leaders who will stand up to meet this challenge and fight to protect our founding beliefs.”

Tracey Mann
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